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Yoda Olinyk (she/her) is an abortion doula based in London, Ontario, Canada. She has completed training through *Birth Mark, The Institute of Birth, Breath, and Death,* and *Exhale.* As an experienced writer, poet, and activist, she is deeply passionate about reproductive rights and grief work. Through extensive experience in healing work, counseling, training, and witnessing, Yoda remains actively engaged in communities supporting grievers.
Yoda currently works full-time at **Doula of Words** as an editor, writing coach, and freelance writer. She is an active volunteer at Exhale Pro-Voice (the national after-abortion textline), where she also serves as Volunteer Coordinator. In 2025, Yoda founded Open Palm, where she facilitates writing circles and provides support for people with abortion stories.
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What exactly is an abortion doula?
This container is for folx near London, Ontario, Canada.
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Fully Funded Services Are Available For Those Who Need It!
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