I’m so glad you are here. If you want to take a shortcut, you can get to know me through my Instagram and if you like what you see and want to stay in touch, click here.

Probably the coolest thing I’ve ever done is write my own book.

Me (she/her) and my first baby!

Me (she/her) and my first baby!

Salt and Sour: My Recipe For Starting Over

(on Amazon) (or Kindle)

Part cookbook, part memoir—this book combines my two greatest loves: food and words. It’s not for everyone, so you decide for yourself. If you need a little nudge, here’s my favourite review ever. Oh, and here’s a really awkward video of me on my local news channel promoting my book!

Before I became a writer, I was a chef! In 2022, I retired my knives so I could write full-time, but I still flex my chef muscles by writing for various food blogs, creating courses, and for other chef-related content creators.

Food Blogs: The Chef’s Pencil, Corrie Cooks

Cookbooks: The No Shit Cookbook, The Forest City Cookbook, Coming soon: You Do Make Friends With Salad

Copywriting with Eye Candy Design: Laura Raes, Farm To Table Canada

You can also find me on UpWork (which I am phasing out of, but still hang out on occasion!)

Since I started pursuing a career in writing, I’ve been working mostly as an independent freelancer. I love to create copy for all types of businesses, including:

Karri Wilson: Intuitive Eating Coach

Creating Me: Life Coaching

Art of Seduction: Boudoir Photography

LTTC: Trauma Therapy

CZYK Publishing: I worked on an article that got turned into a book! Greater Than A Tourist

My real passion is helping other writers birth their books. That’s why in 2021, I launched Doula of Words and Something Sacred.

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At Doula Of Words, I help writers write, finish, edit and publish their books through virtual, individual, and group coaching. I specialize in memoirs and full-length poetry collections but have also worked with authors on children’s books and novels. This project was birthed after I self-published my own book in 2020 and has since grown into a robust community.

I also host weekly writing workshops which aim to help writers of all skill levels sink into a super soft and welcoming space. These small, intimate, generative workshops introduce participants to new poetry, scheduled writing time, and the opportunity to share without pressure or feedback.