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a loving community for people with abortion stories & after-abortion doula services


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Is Open Palm Writing Workshop For Me?

Open Palm is a free virtual writing workshop open to anyone who has an abortion story. Timelines aren't important here — it may have been yesterday, or last month, or last year, or a lifetime ago.

This workshop is also here to hold those who love someone grappling with their abortion story (parents, partners, adult children, siblings, close friends, etc.)

We also provide a safe space for abortion workers and supporters to process their feelings.

What To Expect

Open Palm is a place for people who have had abortions to process the many different emotions that follow an abortion experience. For some, this will be deep, painful, fresh grief. For others, this will feel like a dull throb. We will hold all emotions including but not limited to relief, regret, joy, sadness, anger, and loneliness.

Expect tears, rage, and grief.

Expect nervousness and safety.

Expect imagination and joy

No writing experience required!

Open Palm Writing Workshop Is…

Open Palm Writing Workshop Is Not…

While many topics may be covered during discussion and sharing time, but the central theme of this workshop is abortion and after-abortion support.



Hello, beautiful human!

Perhaps you're here because you recently had an abortion and need a safe space to process your feelings and thoughts. You might be experiencing expansive grief, shame, anger, or profound sadness. Your feelings are all valid, and I promise you—things will begin to feel lighter soon.

You might be here seeking ways to communicate with someone in your life—a partner, parent, friends, or even something more spiritual. Or perhaps you love someone who recently had an abortion, and you want to find ways to express your care, empathy, and love to them.

You might be here because you ended a pregnancy long ago, and despite lots of support and time, your experience still resonates with you. Even after professional help or counseling, you may still have things to express.

You might be here because you feel a profound sense of relief about your decision, yet that feeling isn't simple to process or understand. You might be here because it seems like no one truly comprehends the depth of your experience.

You are in the right place, no matter what brought you. We welcome you, with open palms.


Open Palm: After-Abortion Writing Workshop


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By submitting this application form, you'll automatically join our mailing list which we use to notify you about workshop schedule changes, delays, cancellations, and occasionally share helpful resources.




Open Palm Abortion also supports people who need abortions as a certified abortion doula

Abortion Doula Services

Sponsorship Opportunities♥️

Email us at: [email protected]



Abortion Care Package

People who have had abortions often experience exhaustion, physical pain, emotional upheaval and big emotions for days, weeks, or months. If someone you know has had an abortion recently, here are some things you can put together for them to show you care.

To sponsor a care package today, click here!


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Resources We Love

Exhale (After-Abortion Text Support)

I might be a little bias because I work at Exhale, but this is my #1 resource for after-abortion support. Counsellors here are trained extensively and expert space-holders! website

Text anytime: 617-749-2948

National Abortion Hotline

The National Abortion Hotline is the largest national, toll-free hotline for abortion provider information click here for info

Medical Advice (U.S only)

The M&A Hotline is specifically for medical advice, especially for medical abortions click here for info or call 1-833-246-2632

Abortion Funds

Financial aid and practical assistance for those who need abortions click here for the big list

National Abortion Federation Canada (NAF)

For information, statistics, assistance, and resources in Canada click here for info

Ally Chatbot

Click: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=18332212559 for abortion-friendly chatbot (only accessible over WhatsApp)


VPN (a step-by-step guide on how to stay anonymous while searching for abortion related topics on personal devices) link

Abortion Stories

Religion + Abortion Support



For security reasons, we cannot share our mailing address at this time. Our email address is: doula [at] thedoulaofwords [dot] com

donation to "open palm" doula services